I know, I know, you guys have been waiting for this for a LONG time. Emphasis on "long." I am working two jobs. Two. Jobs. Me. Interesting how that happened. I was already working at a horseback riding school as a wrangler, which I love by the way. Then I went in for a job interview at the local ice cream emporium about 15 minutes or so away from where I live now. I thought it would be complicated, what with ice cream orders and shake making and malt making. But it actually isn't. I know how to make shakes and malts now (yay!) and I haven't had a single shake explosion yet. When I say 'yet', I know it's waiting to happen sometime in the near future. Working at an ice cream place has its perks, though. Not only am I basically smack dab in the middle of town, where everything happens, this INCREDIBLY SUPER cute guy with the most GORGEOUS eyes came in today and I suddenly had no idea how to make the shake he ordered but ANYWAY.
Having two part time jobs is tiring. When I had one part time job, I had a few days of recuperation afterwards cause extended hours in a rock hard leather saddle can take a lot out of you. But now, I'm going from working at the ice cream place one day to horseback riding the next, then working at the ice cream place the day after that. So, yeah. Most days I feel like flopping to the floor and just lying there. But both jobs keep me on my toes. I'm glad that I have a job based in the town where I used to live, cause I sometimes feel really isolated where I am now. But at least things are happening. I was in a bit of a rough spot emotionally, and was feeling pretty lonely. Now I have opportunities to hang out with girls around my age and be able to have a bit more of a social life cause I've gone a long time without having very much of one. I think things are finally on the up and up for me, and as far as I'm concerned, the rollercoaster that is my life can only go up, my friend.
Thanks for reading, and happy tuesday!