Sunday, December 8, 2013

So, if any of y'all had any technical difficulties finding my page, I apologize, cause I thought I would change the title of my web address since I'm not 14 any more. So the web address is back to normal, and will stay that way and will not change again. Please let me know in the comments if anyone had difficulty finding my blog, and if so, I apologize again!!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

hey y'all,
sorry I haven't been able to do that video post I promised you, but I will get around to doing it as soon as I can. So, recap of this past holiday weekend: friends, family, turkey, fun, laughter, turkey, lots of games, and did I mention turkey??? And right now, turkey has pretty much played itself out on my digestive system. But other than that, thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because we not only celebrate the importance of family and friends, but we also celebrate the fact that we get to have free practice of religion. And that's saying something, because long ago, christians were forbidden to even meet for bible studies because if they were caught, the outcome would be death. Things might come to that same situation here in America, but as for now, we have a right to be thankful for what God has given us and is going to give. But the number one thing I am thankful for is you guys for reading my blogs and continuing to follow it!!!! Thank you guys soooo much! Comment below and let me know how your thanksgiving went! Thanks again, and God bless!!!