Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Everybody moves someplace or another. Speaking for myself, I have definitely had the experience. Going from there and back again, only our moving hasn't been as epic as Bilbo's journey had been. It involves, cleaning, packing everything up, clearing everything out, vacating. I've been all over the place when it comes to moving. It was a bit different, though, because I was doing it with my family. There was always someone to help, a lot of able hands, someone to help you continue even when you were dog tired. But now, I'm not the one who's moving. And for some reason, it's becoming difficult to get used to the idea of a family member who had been a huge part of your life to pack up and move on. I don't want them to go, but circumstances are such that things must happen this way. Visiting is definitely a possibility, but I'm going to miss them. I'm going to make a weird analogy here. Siblings are like the Doctor's companions: in the end, they either leave because they have to, or sometimes it just happens unexpectedly. And it's up to us to be the ones to get used to the absence. It's not like they were super close in the first place, but they visited when they could which was fun. I'll just miss them a whole whole lot. But things can never stay the same. Change is always in the wind whether you want it to be or not. And change is something I'm used to, but I'm not used to this kind of change, which I will need to. But some of the best quotes are from Doctor Who, so I'll just end this post like this.