Monday, June 13, 2016

HUGE update!!!!

Hi guys, Mariah here. Sorry I haven't written in a while. Things have been nuts on my end. My summer took the craziest turn and it turns out that I'm here in woodland park working at a summer camp. I'm doing mostly dishes and that stuff, but it's plenty easy and it never fails to tire me out. On top of climbing a long staircase in order to get to work and back is helping some as well. Plans have changed for me I the aspect of comic con not working out but I found another one that's happening in October so I'll try shooting for that one. It's been a mixture of scary, nerve wracking and the feeling that I'm among complete strangers here. It's something different. Which is what I like. In a way, to be completely geeky about it, this is sorta like my own TARDUS adventure: you never know where you're going to end up once you step inside, the merry chases you'll be making and the friendships you'll be making. I guess it's my first official adventure away from what I consider normal, which is fantastic. Feeling really tired, will write again soon.