Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tuesday 10/03/17

Given the awful events of saturday night, I will say this: This beautiful rock we call home sucks at times. Sure we weren't designed to have such tragedy happen like this, but to go further and say a bunch of soft happy stuff such as that would be shorting my way through a blog post. Sometimes, though, humanity is strong. I just saw The Zookeeper's Wife and it was a VERY strong testament to what good people can do in the darkest times. But other times, humans decide to act out and hurt others like what happened in Las Vegas. I'm not pardoning the shooter in any way. But as long as we remember the "pile of good things", those black days might not seem so hard to get through. One thing humanity can always be credited for is toughing it out. It won't happen as fast as we want to, because sadly, there were casualties, and as far as I know, they seem to be rising count wise. One thing about grief that I wil say is that it's a process.

It's hard to wake up cause The Realization only hits you in the chest, making you feel more awful than ever before. But as long you just take the steps required to just keep going, you will come out stronger, but different. It's not the different we want to be, but grief does that. It makes who you used to be vacate the premesis only to be replaced with a harder, and more sad version of yourself who you had no idea was coming. But as long as we remember just how kind the world can be, we will all trudge through this devastation, learn how to clean things up, and start what we need to do in order to keep these sorts of things from happening. Being a christian, I acknowlegde that death isn't going away until God decides to come back, but if there is a way of making less death happen, then I'm all for it.

I thought this clip fit because above all, one of the most important things that humanity can do for each other is kindness. We should all try to remember that. And I think that once we do, we'll REALLY get the ball rolling on what needs to be bettered.

Thanks for reading, and happy tuesday, guys!!!

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